T:86-10-6280 0922
F:86-10-6280 0963
Hanmei CAO
Patent Attorney
Practice Area
Patent prosecution, Patent translating, Patent drafting, Patent reexamination and invalidation
Technical Fields
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Semiconductor, and Microelectronic
Working Languages
Chinese, English
Ms. Cao received her Bachelor, Master and Doctor degree in Microelectronics from XiDian University. After graduation Ms. Cao began her IP career in Patent Dept. of Runping & Partners in 2009.

Ms. Cao is adept at patent prosecution, drafting, translation and reexamination of many technical fields, including electronic & electric, auto control, telecommunication Engineering, and automobile electronics. Throughout Ms. Cao’s career, she has successfully handled hundreds of patent applications for foreign and domestic clients, and has extensive experience in both technology and law practice.
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